Thinking of Replacing Old Baseboard Heat? Ductless is an Option.

September 21, 2024

by Trademasters Marketing

Now that the fall season is in full swing, people are thinking more about how to keep their homes warm and toasty when the winter weather arrives. For homes with electric baseboard heat, this can be especially worrisome, especially if their heating system is old and inefficient. If you have baseboard heating throughout your home that needs replacement, you might be wondering what, if any, options are available.

Replacing baseboard heating with a different system can be difficult because often, homes with this type of heating system do not have ductwork. Ducted systems can be impractical, and in some cases impossible, to install, and generally require a lot of remodeling, as homeowners will need to install a duct system throughout their home. The good news is, if you need to replace baseboard heating and don’t have ductwork, a ductless heating system is an option.

Why should I consider ductless heating for my home?

If you have an electric baseboard heating system in your home, chances are you know it can consume a lot of energy and may not provide you with the comfort you’d like. Fortunately, ductless heating can help you get the comfort you need. Learn more about the benefits below:

  • Ductless heating is highly energy-efficient. Ductless systems offer much better energy efficiency than electrical baseboard heating. The Department of Energy estimates that today’s systems can reduce your electricity use for heating by nearly 50 percent when compared to electric baseboard heating – and that can mean significant savings for you on your energy bills.
  • Ductless heating provides more targeted comfort. Ductless units can be added room to room or in zones throughout your home, and each unit is controlled independently via remote control. That makes it easy for you and your family to adjust room temperatures to your liking, and make the most of your system when you’re home, away, or sleeping.
  • Ductless heating can be a safer choice. Electric baseboard heating systems can become hot to the touch, which can be hazardous for small children and pets who may be within easy reach of baseboards. Flammable materials can catch fire if they have prolonged contact with baseboard heater covers.
  • Ductless heating is unobtrusive. Ductless systems are usually mounted either high on a wall or ceiling, keeping them out of your living space. Not to mention, they are usually very quiet while operating, so all you and your family will notice is better comfort.
  • Some ductless systems can be used year-round. Because most ductless units use a heat pump system, they can often be used to keep your home cool during the summer months. In very basic terms, most heat pump systems can be reversed to pump the hot air out of your home in the summer. This means no more noisy and inefficient window air conditioning systems – and better comfort all year long!

Can Trademasters help me get ductless heating for my home?

As a full-service heating contractor, Trademasters can help you with any heating need you may have, including ductless heating installation, maintenance, and repair services. We’re pleased to provide you with the best ductless model for your home comfort – and your budget! To learn more about how we can help, simply give Trademasters a call at 703-644-6400 or contact us online. We will be more than happy to assist you.

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