2023 Trademasters logo

Headquartered in Northern Virginia |800.644.6400

2023 Trademasters logo


Welcome, Gates of McLean Residents!

Our Friends at the Gates of McLean,

As Spring approaches and brings warmer weather, now is the time to schedule your HOA-required Spring inspection and safety check. Whether you are a maintenance agreement client, or you purchase a one-time inspection, we want to help ensure that your system is running at full capacity and efficiency throughout the Spring and Summer months.

Our custom maintenance agreement provides benefits and savings exclusively for the Gates of McLean residents. For $168 annually, this option includes two seasonal inspections per year, one spring and one fall inspection.
• Fall inspection includes: a full checkup of the water heater, air handling unit, a condensate line flush,
installation of a new air filter, and additional cleaning if needed.
• Spring inspection includes: a full checkup of the water heater, outdoor unit, a condensate line flush,
installation of a new air filter, and additional cleaning if needed.

In addition, maintenance agreement clients will also receive priority dispatching, 24-hour emergency service, and a 15% discount on all plumbing, heating, and air conditioning repairs. If your existing agreement is up for renewal, you will receive an email reminder and mailed copy of your renewal invoice.

Trademasters offers a one-time maintenance inspection for just $118. This inspection includes a full checkup of your water heater, air handling unit, a condensate line flush, and installation of a new air filter. The one-time inspection does not include the same discount benefits or priority dispatching as the maintenance agreement mentioned above.

We will have our professional crew of experts working in two buildings each week. To see which week we will be performing inspections in your building, please see the table below.



1521 & 1600

March 18th – 22nd

1530 & 1550

March 25th – 29th 

1591 & 1601

April 1st – 5th 

1571 & 1581

April 8th – 12th  

1570 & 1580

April 15th – 19th

Make-Up Dates


 To schedule by phone, please call us at 703-644-6400 between 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.  

One-time inspections and maintenance agreements are paid in advance. To prepay, call 703-644-6400 and provide your credit or debit card information before the scheduled inspection is performed. If prepayment has not been received, the full amount will be due at the time of service.

We understand that it may be convenient to have service performed while you’re away. If you are not going to be present for the inspection, please authorize a key release by going to https://www.gatesofmcleanresidents.com. For further instructions on how to authorize a key release, please contact your Gates of McLean office at 703-506-0439. Once the key release authorization has been requested, please send us an email confirming the details to: csr@trademasters.com.

For your convenience, Trademasters will provide the Certificate of Inspection to the Gates of McLean Property Management Office after the inspection has been completed. This applies for maintenance agreement clients and onetime maintenance inspections.

Thank you for choosing Trademasters. We appreciate your business and we are committed to providing you with the highest level of customer satisfaction possible. Should you need service, have any questions, concerns or comments, please contact us so we can assist you as soon as possible. We look forward to serving you soon!

GOM Inspection Request

    Preferred Time

    Second Choice Time

    To avoid duplicate submissions, please press the button once and wait for confirmation.

    We will do our best to complete service at your preferred date and time, but it is not guaranteed. You will receive a confirmation email once the appointment has been set up.

    If you have an older heating and cooling system, and you have been considering an upgrade, it’s important to be proactive. If your system breaks down during peak season, on the hottest days of the year, an emergency replacement will be costly and inconvenient. Replace your system during the off-season this Spring, on your schedule.

    IMPORTANT NOTICE – Big Changes are Coming Mid 2024
    Sweeping new regulations for the HVAC industry are coming soon. These regulations will affect production, availability, and price of home comfort systems, as manufacturers grapple with the new standards. If your system is older, this is another reason to be proactive about replacing your home comfort system.

    Benefits of being proactive include more time to research your options and make the best choice for you and your family; reduced stress of making an important decision during a difficult situation; a new high-efficiency system uses less energy and may save you money on energy bills; and new systems are better for the environment, less noisy, and provide better indoor air quality.

    As a resident of the Gates of McLean, you will receive exclusive discounted pricing for a new heating and cooling system. With the purchase of a new system, we will include one year of free maintenance (one Spring and one Fall inspection), exclusive discounts and priority service. We register all equipment and monitor all warranties. We offer 0% interest financing and pre-season manufacturer rebates and discounts may apply.

    Your water heater works twice as hard as other appliances in your home, it provides your home with hot water, and it plays a key role in providing your home with heat during the cold months.

    The Gates of McLean indoor air handling units contain both heating and cooling coils and circulates the cooled or heated air through the condominium. The outdoor unit, an air conditioning condenser, is connected through refrigerant piping to the cooling coil inside the air handler. The water heater, in addition to providing the hot water for the home, has a side loop that connects to the heating coil inside the air handler. The air moves across the coils and is heated or cooled before it is circulated through the home.

    Maximize your water heaters lifespan with proper maintenance and achieve approximately ten years of usage. As with any other home appliance, replacement is inevitable. Act proactively to avoid unnecessary hassle, and reduce the chances of property damage to your home or belongings. We suggest buying and installing replacements during normal business hours to avoid paying higher after hours and emergency fees. Stay ahead of any damage or inconvenience and schedule an estimate with Trademasters.